Wednesday 2 January 2013

Day 1

  • Weight: 127.0kg
  • BMI: 33.1
  • Loss/gain: bugger's day 1.
  • Thoughts: Here beginneth the first lesson.

 What not to wear

 Now, before I go any further, I should highlight the fact that I won't be disgusting you all with progress pictures of me in my pants or anything so unsanitary. No, I am a nice person, so I shall keep my clothes on at all times.

Clothes are one of the problems: my jeans are a bit loose on me, but still, the first number on the waistband is a 4 (the second is a 0, but still....Christ!) I also have a habit of wearing baggy tops and t-shirts so the bastard gut is well hidden.  I think that I am not alone in this: the right clothing can hide a multitude of sins. Be that as it may, I would like to be able to wear things that maybe don't make it look like I have bought a mini-burkha. And if I ever descend into the realm of tracksuit bottoms for anything other than a: exercise, b: slobbing in front of the TV or c: literally nothing else to wear then frankly it's time for voluntary euthanasia.


  1. Dave, You should get the nike running app, or something similar. It logs all your runs using GPS, and it is really quite nice to see the KM's adding up, it also produces very nice little maps you can look at as well!

  2. But also i should add we are greatful for you keeping your clothes on!
